• Reputable agencies do not charge models to be signed to their books. There are however things you will need for representation, such as professional photographs.

    These are not necessary to apply, and we would rather see a clear headshot of you looking as natural as possible. If successful, we will be in touch to recommend next steps.

    All models need to be able to invest in a professional portfolio for representation and are always happy to make recommendations.

    As per our Terms of Representation, and with prior agreement, we may arrange printed portfolios or Z cards on the model’s behalf if required for bookings & castings.

  • Please complete and send the form on the Apply page, where we will ask your age, location and whether you have an existing portfolio.

    If we feel able to represent you and you are new to modelling, we may invite you to an in-person casting day and/or get in touch to suggest next steps.

    All models need to be keen and able to invest in a professional portfolio for representation.

    If you are an experienced model and have an existing portfolio, we may be able to move forward with representation without meeting you in person.

    We currently only represent UK based models and do not represent models anybody under 18 years.

  • Every couple of months we open our books to new models and invite applications to casting days in Bath. This is an opportunity to see how speculative models perform in a studio setting. We will take a small selection of images (digitals) to enable us to get started if we feel you have what it takes.

    We will take a few further details from you such as your vital statistics and contact details, ask you to read and agree to the terms of representation (which can also be found below).

    Expect to be in the studio between 30 minutes and one hour.

    Should the casting be successful, we would point you in the direction of a professional photographer to build your portfolio.

    Any images taken on the day may be used to start your digital portfolio and remain the property of Salt & Pepper Models and the photographer.

    You can find out more about our casting days over on the Tips page of the website.

  • There are many professional photographers that offer model portfolio packages. However, we do recommend that you speak with us first so that you don't spend money unnecessarily on shots you do not need.

    If we are able to represent you, we can point you in the direction of reputable, reasonably priced photographers and have agreed competitive rates with rates several in the South West.

    You can find out about what to include in your portfolio on the Tips page of the website.

  • Not all applications will be successful, and not all prospective models will be invited to a casting. This is at the discretion of Salt & Pepper Models.

    We have a thorough selection process which includes look, experience, attitude, availability, enthusiasm to grow a portfolio and most importantly your suitability for our growing client list and whether you align with our agency values.

    Unfortunately, we are unable to represent every applicant and would encourage you to continue to invest in a strong modelling portfolio.

    Keep an eye on social media for agency castings as many agencies will open their books for a specific requirement. This is often a way to get signed, especially if you have a strong portfolio and can demonstrate versatility and passion.

    We wish you luck with your later life career as a model.

  • Agencies make their income from the commission which they charge for model bookings.

  • The casting process for jobs will vary depending on the project. We take briefs from casting agents, photographers and clients and respond to client requests differently depending on the job.

    Typically we will send a Model Package with a range of potential candidates for a role, before putting out a call for availability should your profile fit the brief.

    If you are available and interested, we will put your forward as a candidate (often along with other Salt & Pepper models and candidates from other agencies).

    You may be asked to send a self tape as part of the casting process, or go for a casting call (go-see) or you may be ask to send up-to-date digitals/polaroids.

    Should you optioned we'll negotiate the fees, usage & any additional expense allowance along with image use for your Salt & Pepper portfolio.

    You can find out more about the client casting process on the Tips page of the website.